Festival for Healthy Living, 2010
Explored mental health and built capacity through participatory creative arts in schools through the Festival for Healthy Living, an initiative of The Royal Children’s Hospital Integrated Mental Health Program.
Say no to Violence, 2008
Explored saying NO to violence with children and young people as part of VicHealth’s Preventing Violence Against Women initiative and art in schools programs.
Becoming Butterflies, 2008
Worked with women through writing and collage to help them emerge from their isolation and establish the Becoming Butterflies women’s support group.
Stencilling the Street Surfer Bus, 2007
Worked with young people to use stencil art to paint the inside of the Wyndham Street Surfer Bus.
Australian Christmas, 2005
Workshopped the notion of what an Australian Christmas means through writing and drawing with primary school students.
Community Vision, 2004
Worked closely with schools, business and community to create a community vision through writing and sculpture.
Universal sun, 1997
Created the Universal sun metal sculpture in the outdoor area of the Wyndham Older Adults Centre.
Material consumerism, 1995
A response to modern society’s obsession with consumerist materialism, as part of the Street Art exhibition, held in collection at the NGV.
Melbourne Water Centennial Art Exhibition, 1992
Curated the Melbourne Water Centennial Art Exhibition at the Western Treatment Plant, inviting artists onto the sewerage to interpret it through their art.
Public Mural, 1991
Painted the toilet block mural at Mossfiel Reserve with young people, Wyndham’s first piece of public art.
Homage to the fallen mural , 1991
Painted the Homage to the fallen mural at the Oakleigh RS&L Club with the RSL community.