[AT HOME] Jewels through my kitchen window

A crisp Sunday morning of emerald spikes sprinkled in crystals,

a kaleidoscope of scintillating sparkle where the past swoons with trilling twinkles of today.

Unique fractures of jasper and cherry blossom carbonise as babies birth,

blue lace agates of dewdrops dance.

Stalactites of boys and their friends and the lustrous amber of our fantastical family,

dogs chasing chooks and chooks thinking they’re dogs.

Sunning Citrine, celebrations of fire opals… and sometimes tears of tiger’s eyes that detonate the dark at a broken love or dearly departed.

Solace is our backyard.

Always a dawn illuminates,

an incandescence of jewels through my kitchen window.

My piece, Jewels through my kitchen window, played through Signals, a large-scale light installation fixed to a home in Werribee.

See Jewels through my kitchen window playing.

To say that seeing my name in huge, blaring lights was confronting would be an understatement, and I wished I’d seen it as brazenly as a very dear friend saw it, as poetry being shouted out above the rooftops!

Signals transmitted various texts out into the neighbourhood and Jewels from the kitchen window was one of those texts. It’s my interpretation of home, what I saw and continue to see through my kitchen window: the ups, downs, sideways and backwards and rounds and rounds of my family life, and everything in between.

Signals was part of [AT HOME] Wyndham, a three-day program in December of installations, exhibitions, screenings, talks and events exploring notions of home and the built environment within a home.

“A dramatic welcome to the home, Signals repurposes technology typically used for commercial advertising or stage performances to create a literal sign-post for [AT HOME] Wyndham, while also transmitting a program of text-based works generated from local artists, poets and writers – including Dr Monika Schott, Kait James, Rachel Morly and the Western Union Writers – inviting audiences to come inside and engage.”  [AT HOME] Wyndham

Signals explored one of the central themes of [AT HOME] Wyndham: the often fluid boundary between the public and private in the contemporary suburban home. This tension between the intimate and the commercial is intrinsic to Signals, where personal messages are directly juxtaposed with the screen’s commercial build.




REVIEWS: My dad built me the best and wackiest cubby ever